LanguageGame Final Report
YAMAMIYA Takashi One Soft, INC.
For giving instruction to a computer, now we have many ways as selecting menu, push button, drag icon or so. Recent researches of computer user interface have developed various methods of interact with computer. Above all, with using WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) way, user interface becomes very rich and useful for non-engineer. But yet, the most fundamental way of to dialog with computer is to input a sequence of command kind of programming language.
Using WYSIWIG style has advantages when a user uses a computer instead of a real paper. But to deal with more abstract or involved matter, using a programming language has more benefit because symbols are more stable and we can use powerful idea as a recursion or a reference with such language. Then I think the importance of programming language could be never change however GUI will be more improved.
There are various languages in the world, and there are many interesting aspect and taste in each language. I thought that a grammar of the programming language is very interesting but developing a language must be more fun. Of course making a language seemed to be difficult. Then I have taken another way to develop a parser generator that people can make their own script easily.
A parser generator is one of the most basic software in computer. Historically, various programming languages have been developed. And to make developing their parser easily, the technique of automatic parser generation was found. Now the parser generator becomes established technology.
The motivation of LanguageGame project was very simple. If a parser generator has pretty GUI for non-professional user, what’s going to happening? Programming language is indispensability for computer. To learn programming language is to see computer deeply and to use more effectively. It’s also an important aspect to remember that a programming language parser is a program written in a programming language.
If a user just uses a computer as alternative to a real paper, a pencil or so, this aspect has no point yet. But if you want to handle symbols freely with a computer, The recursive aspect that a programming language is a program is very important. Though this aspect is assumed as an axiom for computer engineers when editing or debugging, if non-programmer like students, artist or businessperson can use it, I think that new application of computer should spread from here.
As first phase of developing LanguageGame, I surveyed GUI this project needed. Because I wanted to be focused on GUI, I chose Squeak as developing environment that has useful library and has informative code like “eToys”. And I used T-Gen as a table driven parser generator engine.
As development progressed, it become clear about the character that LanguageGame should be equipped. The following are especially mentioned as an important point.
Real-time operation
To make user operation reflect as immediately as possible, improvement in user-friendliness can be expected. I designed about the data structure required for this real-time nature.
External representation of symbols
Usually, we write a computer program using a series of texts. But not only texts, we can write a program using any symbols like graphical icons if their analysis is possible. In LanguageGame, programming with pictorial symbol was supported in order to give a sociable impression to user.
Semantic analysis
To describe a grammar, BNF (Backus-Naur Form) notation was established. But to describe a meaning, there are many way for definition. In LanguageGame, notation of BlockContext is used as representation of meaning.
Not only for programmer, but also for general user, it is important to understand how to process in any program. Watching internal process and changing its behavior dynamically, user can get insight into the system intuitively. I developed the simplest debugger simple, which realizes this purpose.
Cooperation with external object
To operate external objects freely, a user can create pleasant application. Then LanguageGame need adjustable external interface. It is very difficult work to design such interface. In the present implementation, reference of an external object was statically stored in the class variable. It is hard to say that is has succeeded now. This portion is a future big subject.
Main window
A main window has two panes. The upper part is called grammar pane that a user describes a grammar using BNF notation here. And the lower part is input pane that a user can input the sentence to be analyzed now. As each interface, text mode and tile mode exists. A grammar or a sentence can be build intuitively with drag and drop in tile mode.
With right click, the control menu appears. The meaning of command is as follows.
text/tile |
Toggle to text/tile mode |
palette |
Show palette displayed symbols which can be used in the grammar |
images |
Show images tied in symbols |
tree |
Show syntax tree |
inspect |
Show inspector of the parsed node |
explore |
Show special explorer of the node |
fire |
Execute action if present grammar has action |
save … (only grammar pane) |
Save current grammar(save as instance method in GGrammarUsers class) |
load … (only grammar pane) |
Load a saved grammar |
build (only grammar pane) |
Rebuild current grammar |
step (only input pane) |
Do step execute current input |
monad (only input pane) |
Show an object for lazy execution of current input (for developer) |
Table 1 menu
Describe grammar
In LanguageGame, BNF notation that is subset of T-Gen is used. But compare to T-Gen, user cannot make own scanner but can use preset scanner in LanguageGame. How to describe grammar is follows.
nonterminal : symbols … [ action block ]
A user can input with tile mode either a grammar pane or an input pane. In tile mode, to add the symbol is possible with drag and drop.
To use a tile in the input pane, first, you should call a palette pane from right click menu. Terminal symbols that can be used in the present grammar will be in the palette. When you drag the terminal tile from the palette to a nonterminal tile in an input pane, the nonterminal changes green if the nonterminal can acceptable the terminal.
If a nonterminal can determine which rule does match for the terminal uniquely, the remaining terminals of the rule are complemented automatically.
Using phase tile of eToys in block
In a grammar pane, a user can also do tile operation. Additionary, in the block element where is rightmost of a rule, a user can drop a phase tile from eToys’ viewer. In this case, the phase tile is automatically changed to expression of a block context in Smalltalk.
Using image in tile
As a tile, not only a string but also any morph can be used. LanguageGame treats externalName of the morph as a terminal symbol of the tile. Specifically, if a morph is named and is dragged into a tile, the morph treated as a symbol string of the tile. The morph and the symbol is bind in the system, and the registered symbol string is always able to change into morph.
Using this function, programming by the pictorial symbol is realizable. It may be useful for user who cannot speak English and also to collaboration among people who have another language.
To look and delete these registered morphs, an image tool from menu is used.
Action block
Action block is used to add a meaning to syntax tree. An example is shown
carton : [ 0 ]
carton : egg carton [ :a :b | 1 + b ]
This grammar counts the number of words “egg” in the input sequence, and returns the number. In example, to input a sequence “egg egg egg”, a following tree is generated.
In the beginning, when this sentence is execute, the block matched a first rule is execute. In this case, an empty symbol matches “
carton : “ at the lower right of Fig.11, and [0] is executed. This is a Smalltalk sentence that only returns zero.Next, rule of the 2nd line “
carton : egg carton” matches. By this block, egg is assigned to variable a, carton is assigned to variable b, and 1 +b is performed. In this case, what was assigned to b is set to 0 of the answer performed by the first block.Debugger
It is easier to actually be shown rather than to explain by sentence about operation of a computer. LanguageGame is prepared easy debugger called Mole to debug grammar happily. Mole is shown with a right click menu on the nonterminal of a parse tree.
When Mole is clicked, it will move onto the symbol that should me executed, and display the answer returned from the action.
Mole is also controllable with the mechanism of eToys in Squeak, it has ‘fire’ command in eToys’ viewer.
Tile interface and syntax tree
There are some advantages in using tile style like eToys to input from a user. One is that the users have familiarity. Another is being able to restrict operation of user appropriately. Restriction of operation can reduce incorrect operation and can stay focus a user on the essence of the problem. To restrict suitable operation, the complex interaction between tiles is required. To realize these, the following structures ware required.
The GTile object for displaying a tile on a screen: The GTile itself does not know the meaning of a sentence but know a GNode. If other morph dragged on the GTile, it will ask its GNode the processing. GNode decides whether accept the morph as a symbol or ignore.
The internal structure GNode of a tree: Contrary to other parser generator that process input sequences collectively, In LanguageGame, a tree is dynamically changed by operation of user. To realize this function, the node itself has the reference to its parser. The following operations are performed when the terminal B is dragged to the nonterminal A.
First, A compares whether an own parser and the parser of B are the same. When it differs, B "is made to pollute with A's parser", and B is scanned again. When the grammar class of B is acceptable, A chooses the rule that suits from own parser, and make B a child node according to the rule. When other child nodes become settled uniquely by the rule, the child node, which suits automatically, is generated and it connects (it works as an input complement).
Action and debugger
When “fire” is selected in the menu on an input pane or a tree, LanguageGame executes its sequence.
If it is where simple four-arithmetical-operations computer is created, this is realizable just to evaluate the given block according to input. However, using execution control of a loop etc. and a debugger, the simple wrapper for supporting delay execution is needed.
To hide the complexity of delay execution from a user, the delay execution object GMonad in LanguageGame has adopted the model “performed after asking.”
For example, When the block
[ :a :b | b + 1 ] is given, what is bound to a or b is not the value of a symbol but the GMonad object lapped over the value. The value is not execute immediately, but the GMonad object lapped the value with block is bound to the variable of the following rule. When execution is completed and an asString method is called to display on a screen, a GMonad begins to perform as a string. In many cases, a GMonad executes its value and return the result as string. Except that value method was called, a GMonad returns its block as it is. Control structure is realizable with this feature.When a GMonad evaluates self, the exception occurs each time for debugging. Although this exception is usually ignored, but when Mole runs for debugging, Mole receives this exception, interrupts its process and tells a user about the context that have variables under execution.
As interesting usage, combining this debug function and eToys’ step execution, such as a musical automatic performance can be carried out.
External object
LanguageGame hold the reference to external objects as a GGame class variable. There are the two following kinds.
The dictionary showing the variable used within a block. When any morph is dragged into text mode pane, morph will be registered into VariableTable. Thereby any morph can be operated in a block.
It is the dictionary, which connects a morph to a terminal. A morph registered at once can be used in all LanguageGame windows.
Because this project had an investigation-purpose, the comprehensive combined test was omitted. To help the implementation, simple unit test was suitably created with SUnit.
The evaluation of LanguageGame is very difficult because there is no parser generator product that was characterized with GUI to compare in others. To focus attention on the educational purpose as first goal of LanguageGame, it is specializing in the meta-level concept of program compare to other programming tools for education. That is to say, this is a tool for understanding the program that makes a program rather than the teaching material for doing/use of a program.
This is a powerful feature but has a risk of the purpose becoming ambiguous. Then for LanguageGame, how to use with many samples is required.
Future task
The present implementation has many redundant and unstable elements. I want to narrow down the goal from now and to aim implementation that is easy to use. Anyway, concrete applications currently I assumed and a technical improving point is described
Technical upgrade
Buildup of drag-and-drop function
In tile mode, now the function of symbol operation with drag and drop is poor. Insertion is impossible although adding and deletion of symbol are possible. For make insertion possible, it is necessary to display an insertion point to detect the pattern of list expression like
list : | first list.Accomplishment of real-time parsing
About the real-time parsing which is feature of LanguageGame, it is still incomplete. Especially, it has many portions with unstable operation in order to have to hold an incomplete syntax tree while usual parser generator treat only complete syntax tree. I have to complete this portion. Moreover, although now only LL grammar is supported, larger grammar class is necessary for practical.
Support of regular right-part grammar
To be dependent on BNF grammar with recursion, now it does not understand easily for non-programmer especially to describe a grammar as list structure. The notation is friendlier and more intuitively to adopting regular right-part grammar.
Educational application
When dealing with recursive or tree structure in field, such as mathematics and chemistry, LanguageGame offers an intuitive model. There are many cases that the notation of an idea is difficult but the idea itself. In such a case, unnecessary confusion is avoidable to design simpler notation with LanguageGame.
As a precedence example in this direction, there are functional language groups like as Lisp and Haskell. Those languages are suitable for symbol processing to be nearly mathematical notation. LanguageGame also has the character like a functional language because it does not depend in order of processing and it does not have a state. Then LanguageGame can be said that it is the environment that united with descriptiveness of a functional language and friendliness Squeak has. Moreover, the environment of Lisp or Haskell itself can be implemented in Smalltalk using the framework of LanguageGame, and the multimedia nature of Squeak can also be united with the logical feature such languages have.
Practical application
A lot of interesting application can be considered from the dynamic syntax tree generation function LanguageGame has. For example, recently in integrated development environment, it needs the function to detect dynamically the code that a user inputs and to provide an input complement and help. If the parser generation system of LanguageGame is more developed, the comprehensive framework for such input support function is generable. Moreover there may be applicable to the input support not only in development environment but also general purpose.
It is a very effective idea that complex object is made from a text in a viewpoint of the application productivity. For example, in web application, now using HTML language makes building interface easily and more portable than RAD system. Although XML with abstract semantic data will more popular, using a language for more abstraction that specialized in each application, it is able to generate a user interface automatically from a business rule.
In system development, cost occurs with the objective description of a business rule as well as programming. As another possibility of LanguageGame, there are development and implement of notation that support description of such a rule.
The present accomplishment can be downloaded from here.
WYSWIG(What You See Is What You Get) と呼ばれる方法により、ユーザインターフェースはより豊かになり、エンジニア以外の人々にも使いこなせるようになった。しかし、コンピュータと対話する最も基本的な手段はやはりプログラミング言語のような一連のコマンドによる方法である。現実の紙の代わりとしてコンピュータを使う限り
GUI について調査した。GUIの開発に集中するために、開発プラットフォームとして再利用できるGUIパーツがすでに大量に存在し、開発が容易なSqueakを選んだ。また、パーサ生成エンジンについては、Squeakで利用できる既存のソフトウェアであるT-Genをベースに開発を行った。開発が進むにつれて、言語ゲームが備えるべき性質についても明らかになった。特に重要な点として以下の物が挙げられる。
(Fig 1)は上下二つの領域に分けられる。上部を文法ペインと呼び、BNF記法によって文法を記述する。下部を入力ペインと呼び、これから解析する文を入力する。それぞれのインタフェースとして、テキストモードとタイルモードが存在し、タイルモードではドラッグアンドドロップを使って直感的に文法および文を構築する事が出来る右クリックによって、文法ペインでは
Fig 2、 入力ペインにはFig 3のメニューが現れる。コマンドの意味は以下の通りである。text |
テキストモードにトグル |
palette |
その文法で使用可能なシンボルを表すパレットを表示する |
images |
シンボルに結び付けられた画像を閲覧する。 |
tree |
文法ツリーの表示 |
inspect |
文法ツリーのインスペクタを表示 |
explore |
文法ツリーを辿るためにカスタマイズされたエキスプローラを表示 |
fire |
現在の文法にアクションが設定されていれば実行する。 |
save … ( 文法ペインのみ) |
現在の文法を記録 (GgrammarUsersクラスのメソッドとして記録される) |
load … ( 文法ペインのみ) |
保存してあった文法を呼び出す。 |
build ( 文法ペインのみ) |
現在の文法を再構築する。 |
step ( 入力ペインのみ) |
現在の入力をステップ実行する。 |
monad ( 入力ペインのみ) |
現在の入力によって構築される遅延実行オブジェクトを表示 (開発時デバッグ用) |
1 メニュー文法の記法
: 記号 … [アクションブロック]タイル
eToys のタイルを使う文法ペインに関しても同じようにタイル操作が出来る。ただ、ルールの一番右側の要素であるブロックについては、
externalName をタイルの終端記号として扱う。具体的には、モルフに名前を付け、タイル上にドラッグする事により任意のモルフがタイルのシンボル文字列として扱われる。モルフと文字列は言語ゲーム内部で登録され、登録された文字列はいつでもモルフに変換される。この機能により、絵文字によるプログラミングが実現出来る。英語を話せないユーザの助けになる他、将来的には別の言語を持つ人々が共同作業を行う際に役立つ可能性がある。
carton : [ 0 ]
carton : egg carton [ :a :b | 1 + b ]
”egg” の個数を数え、それを返すと言う機能を持つ。例えば、egg egg egg という入力があった場合、以下のツリーが生成される。この文が実行されると、まず最初のルールにマッチしたブロックが実行される。この場合、
Fig. 11 の右下で空記号がcarton にマッチし、[0]が実行される。これは、単にゼロを返すSmalltalk文である。次に
2行目のルール carton : egg carton がマッチする。このブロックで、egg は変数aに、cartonは変数bに割り当てられ、ブロックの右辺 1 + b が実行される。この場合、bに割り当てられたものは、最初のブロックで実行された答えの0になる。以下これを繰り返し、最終的に
GMonadは「求められてから実行する」モデルを採用している。例えば、[ :a :b | b + 1 ]と言うブロックが与えられた時、実際にaやbに束縛されるのはシンボルの値ではなく、シンボルをラップしたGMonadオブジェクトである。計算は即時実行されずブロックの形のままGMonadにラップされて次のルールの変数に束縛される。実行が完了し、画面に表示するために asStringメソッドが呼ばれた瞬間、GMonadは文字列として振る舞い始める。多くの場合は自分の持つ値やブロックを評価し、文字列として結果を返す。例外としてvalueメソッドが呼ばれた時のみブロックをそのまま返す。これによって制御構造が実現出来る。GMonad
GGame クラス変数として外部オブジェクトへの参照を保持している。下記の2種類がある。VariableTable
( list :| first list )を検出し挿入ポイントを、表示する必要がある。リアルタイム文法解析の完成
LL文法しか扱う事が出来ないが、実用的にはもう少し広いクラスの文法を扱える必要がある。T-Gen に依存しないシステムが必要になるだろう。拡張